WSF calls for a virtual edition in January 2021

The International Council of the World Social Forum, after a broad and productive process of listening and dialogue at the international level, met on October 10 and 11, 2020, and considered:

1. The serious and urgent challenges of the current situation that you need to address. faced globally and locally;

2. The need, once again, to confront the interests of the Davos Economic Forum (which will also take place in virtually the same period);

3. The beginning of the celebrations of the 20 years of the collective creation of the WSF in January 2001;

It decided:

To hold the next edition of the World Social Forum, basically virtual, in the week of January 25, 2021.

To do this, it invites social movements and organizations that fight under the slogan “Another world is possible” (urgent and necessary), to build together this next edition of the WSF, seeking to transform it into a participatory, creative event and, above all, capable of enabling global and simultaneous political articulations and actions, capable of coping with the current overlapping crises of capitalism, wide open and exacerbated by the global pandemic.

We have just over three months to go to celebrate this challenging event together.

Participate in this process, schedule the week of January 25, 2021 to intervene directly in the World Social Forum (Virtual) and help spread it now.

The WSF International Council also reaffirmed the continuous wide and participatory construction of a face-to-face WSF in Mexico, scheduled for the last months of 2021 or early 2022.

From now on we will be in constant contact.

Let’s go together.

Meeting of the International Council of the World Social Forum on October 10 and 11, 2020.

FSM 2021

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