Web-dialogue “World Social Forum Today”

The World Social Forum has attracted internationally new interest and
energies during the pandemic. It seems more and more people see the need
for a space that brings various movements, thinkers and organisations
together to build another world. The web-dialogue on the occasion of the
Finnish Social Form takes stock of the 20 years of the WSF journey and
looks forward to the future of the WSF.

Following people have been invited to initiate the online dialogue (in
alphabetical order), Taoufik Ben Abdallah (TUN), Tord Björk (SWE),
Pierre George (FRA), Francine Mestrum (BEL), Armando de Negri (BRA), Ole
Pedersen (NOR), Vijay Pratap (IND), Ritu Priya (IND), Uddhab Pyakurel
(NEP), Teivo Teivainen (FIN) and Thomas Wallgren (FIN).

As background material to the meeting I would recommend the excellent
thematic section on WSF of the Globalizations magazine. The first link
below is to the table of content, the second to the wonderful sci-hub
site that makes pay-walled articles available to the World, in this case
the introductory essay.


Though the participation and media attention of the forums has not been
recently as high as before, a lot is happening. The richness of the WSF
process can be seen in the calendar of social forum events and processes
around the

The event is co-organised by the Siemenpuu Foundation’s working group on
Ecological Democrarcy, the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Network and the Network
Institute for Global Democratisation.

The link to the event is


Ohjelma 2020

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