Judge orders Lula to be released from jail today

The Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region of Brazil has granted an injunction so that former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva may be released on Sunday (7).

Judge Rogerio Favreto accepted habeas corpus presented on Friday (6) by Wadih Damous, Paulo Pimenta and Paulo Teixeira from the PT. They claimed total lack of legal basis for his arrest.

Order the jury in the release permit: “Embrace in an EMERGENCY regime on this date by submitting the Release of Release or this order to any police authority present at the headquarters of the Superintendency of the Federal Police in Curitiba, where the patient is in prison “Says an excerpt from the court order.

When receiving the news, Judge Sergio Moro, who convicted Lula based on “convictions”, without evidence of any crime, tried to oppose his release, evidencing a tendentious behavior of an accuser – not an exempt judge. But immediately he was framed by the clerk on duty, who ordered the execution of the release order by any agent present at the headquarters of the Federal Police.

Parliamentarians from the PT immediately went to the headquarters of the Federal Police in Curitiba to demand the release of Lula. The information was given by the TRF-4 attendant, Luís Felipe Santo.

Judge Rogério Favreto was also the sole judge of the TRF-4 to vote for the opening of disciplinary proceedings against Judge Sergio Moro, under the allegation of “political nature.”

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