The free media network MIL Baianas is born

On April 24, 2018, several organizations and communication groups from Bahia that participated in the last edition of the World Social Forum (WSF 2018) in Salvador decided to jointly launch the MiL Baianas Network – Bahia Free Media Network, integrated to the process of the World Free Media Forum and its World Free Media Charter.

Members of the initiative met in the Ecumenical Service Coordination (EESC) to discuss the continuity of the actions of the Shared Communication of the WSF and its role in the promotion and defense of free media and in the struggle for another communication – democratic and diverse in all the levels, starting with local and regional struggles, the right to the voices of the communities, and public and participatory communication policies in Bahia.

Shared communication, a process in which collective media activities are engendered by the meeting of free media, becomes a fundamental strategy for strengthening society at a moment of assault on democracy driven by hegemonic media, dismantling public communication (EBC) and spread of hatred and violence with the use of new communication technologies in the world.

The process of construction of the Mil Baianas Network will involve a number of actions, workshops and debates throughout the year, for which all free media – alternative, associative, community and social movements and struggles of Bahia are called, with the possibility of realizing a Free Media Forum – Bahia, in November 2018, in a place to be defined.

In this first plenary session, together with the members of the WSF 2018 Shared Communication WG, the following representations were present: Ninja / MST Media, Intervozes, Ciranda, FNDC, Acauã / Embraço Radio, Children of the World, TV Kirimurê, and Media, Workers’ Centers, CUT and CTB, CESE, as well as several media outlets.

The next meeting will take place on 10/05 – Thursday, at 6pm, at the Faculty of Economics, in Praça da Piedade, downtown Salvador.

Get to know the World Charter of Free Media , written during the World Social Forum – 2015 – Tunis, which sets out principles for engaged and human rights communication.

Mil Baianas
Bahia Free Media Network

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