20 shots at dawn, against pro-Lula camp

At dawn on Saturday (28), unidentified people fired several times at militants sleeping at Marisa Letícia’s camp and a volunteer watchman in the Brazilian city of Curitiba, where former President Lula is being held after political trial and conviction without evidence .

Next to the Federal Police Superintendency, the camp receives militants and authorities in solidarity with Lula, among them politicians, friends, international personalities and even a doctor, all with a denied visit to the former president, kept in a solitary cell.

Two people were injured, including Sao Bernardo do Campo metallurgist Jéfferson Lima de Menezes, who was shot in the neck and hospitalized in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

This is the second bullet attack against supporters of Lula, the first of which occurred on March 28, also in Paraná, with shots that hit a bus that was part of the ex-president’s caravan in southern Brazil.

In social networks, the president of the Workers’ Party (PT), Senator Gleisi Hoffmann, said that “people have been shouting and protesting on a number of occasions. More than 20 shots were fired at the camp. ” In a statement, she told that “whoever incites hatred against the left, against social movements, against Lula and against the PT, is responsible for these shots!”

This Saturday’s crime is recorded amid the preparations for the May 1 Unified, which will bring together all the trade union centrals and popular movements in Curitiba, in protests for democracy, labor and social rights, and Lula’s freedom.

According to the Central Unica dos Trabalhadores (CUT), “the attempt to shut the workers down also happens after new electoral surveys have confirmed that Lula leads the voting intentions across the country in all the scenarios surveyed, and can win the first round this year. “

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