Culture of Peace at the World Social Forum in Tunisia

As readers of CPNN know, the WSF, which began in Brazil and has since been held in Kenya and India as well, has long been a gathering place for civil society organizations seeking “a better world” (For example, see CPNN articles of February 6, 2004 and February 6, 2009). Here are some of the events scheduled for Tunis that discuss the culture of peace. The title and some description in each case are translated into English from the original French, Spanish or Arabic.

– The Euro-African space, a space for a culture of peace, sponsored by Le Mouvement de la Paix

– For the emergence of a global movement for a culture of peace, sponsored by AIEP – Association Internationale des Educateurs à la Paix – Description: How the 8 domains of the culture of peace, taken into account by citizens, can support the emergence of a society in peace.

– Solidarity-Bridges for a Culture of Peace, sponsored by the Society Culture of Peace – Description: Bridges of solidarity between West and Near/Middle East for a culture of peace…

– Save Japan’s Peace Constitution! – Article 9, its global scope and its relevance for the Arab Spring and the Middle East, sponsored by Peace Boat – Description: . . .Launched in 2005, this campaign seeks not only to locally protect Article 9, but also to educate people about existing peace constitutions and call for the adoption of peace clauses, for disarmament, demilitarization and a culture of peace. . .

– Development of ecological consciousness and citizen action to protect the environment, sponsored by the Association pour le Bien Etre et la Protection de l’Environnement – Description: Case studies, exchange of experiences from countries in Africa, Latin America, other regions. . . Ethics of environment and protection of nature and environment as part of a culture of peace. . .

– Feria Altermundialista, sponsored by Otro Mundo Posible – Description: . . . teaching young people to gain skills for establishing human relationships full of respect, support and service for building a culture of peace, conflict regulation and attention to the environment . . .

– Pacifism, participation and acceptance, sponsored by a peaceful movement, Egyp – Description: This workshop is aimed at the culture of peace and non-violence . . . and the peaceful resolution of disputes. Training objectives of the workshop is to prepare the cadres to able to discover themselves and open up to the other, so we can all talk and disagree without that we split, but rise above our differences in order to build a national consensus …

– Support the establishment of an international marathon in Baghdad, sponsored by Kurdistan youth empowerment – KYEO – Description: . . . after the success of Erbil International Marathon in the capital city of Baghdad we need to establish such a marathon. The most important goal is to spread the culture of peace.

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