October, a month of international mobilisation

This journey of struggle against capitalism, was agreed upon at the Social Assembly Movements during the 2011 World Social Forum held in Dakar, Senegal (read the Assembly declaration below).

The choice of October 12th was a symbolic one. This is the date that marks the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas (in 1492) and one of the dates marking the beginning of the “Modern Age”, of the rise of capitalist “civilization”. In the Americas, it is the day of indigenous resistance, in defense of the rights of nature, on which the cry of the excluded – across the continent – has been celebrated since the 1990s.

Besides that, this day is right in the middle of a whole series of key action dates for social movements around the world (for women, trade unions, farmers, indigenous peoples, against debt, etc.), running from October 7th to 17th, including:

7th October: World Day for Decent Work

8th – 16th October: Week of Action against Debt and International Financial Institutions (IFIs)

12th October: Day of action against capitalism / Global day in defense of Mother Earth / Cry of the Excluded (Latin America)

15th October: International Day of Rural Women / Anniversary of Thomas Sankara’s murder, symbol of the African anticolonial struggle / International actions for real democracy now!

16th October: World Food Sovereignty Day

17th October: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

On this journey, the different movements are invited to link their existing actions, relating to their own situations and priorities in national level, to a common framework, in order to make this international anti-establishment struggle more concrete and visible.

Let’s take advantage of these moments to organize and join in the actions, combining debate and action! We know that many organizations are already planning to take part in or organizing activities and demonstrations within the month of October.

Please send us your calls to action, news and images to this email: asamblea.assembly@gmail.com so we can make them visible at the blog:


In solidarity and struggle !

CADTM Internacional

CADTM Network Africa


COMPA – Convergencia de movimientos de los pueblos de América

CUT – Central Única de Trabajadores / Brasil

GGJ – Grassroots Global Justice

HSA – Hemispheric Social Alliance

Jubilee South/Americas

Via Campesina

WMW – World March of Women

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