Latent threat of massacre in Copala

15th September 2010, 19.00.

URGENT BULLETIN from the Autonomus Municipality of San Juan Copala

To social organisations
To indigenous peoples and non-indigenous of Mexico and the World
To other campaigns
To solidary individuals
To national and international human rights organisations

We are making an urgent call to denounce the threat of massacre to the people of San Juan Copala, the seat of our Autonomous Municipality, by the paramilitary MULT (Partido Unidad Popular) and UBISORT (Partido Revolucionario Institucional), which is starting to become real. This afternoon, comrades who remain engaged in struggle in San Juan Copala informed us that they saw the paramilitaries moving closer and closer to the community, with the firm intention of an armed attack on the general population. Because of this we ask you to remain on alert for a possible massacre ahead, especially because this action is planned by paramilitaries taking advantage of the Bicentenary of Independence.

We remind you that around 50 families, made up of women, men, children and elderly people, are under latent threat of being massacred by paramilitary groups who are attacking our autonomy. Therefore, now more than ever, we ask you to raise your voices in order not to allow a tragedy of the magnitude of that in Acteal, Chiapas or in Aguas Brancas, Guerrero to happen.

Please urge solidarity and the urgent diffusion of this release.


Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala

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