“I Have A Dream…”

(Originally published 28th June 2010 on Nahida’s Poetry for Palestine blog)

I dream of liberation of Palestine .

My dream is not blurred by illusions or hindered by hardships. A cornerstone for a Liberation movement is clarity of vision, to keep our objectives in focus.

It is perhaps the disproportional difference of power which makes our aims and vision look like foolish dreams to those who think of themselves as being “realists”.

It is unrealistic to fight against a tyrannical occupation force with deference and only meek means of persuasion and appeasement, because it never stops the crimes, never pushes back the tyrant. Instead, it confirms the tyrant’s authority, which in return will trigger him to pursue unchanged his ruthless methods of conquest and enslavement.

It is realistic and can not be ignored that only creative and surprising means of pushing out occupying tyrants, be it radical, will defeat a tyrant equipped with overwhelming military powers and determined to annihilate the conquered. The uncompromised principle is the key to liberation.

An unrestrained vision toward clearly defined objectives can not be intimidated or suffocated by “facts on the ground”, as these “facts” are the artificial fruits of a temporary force, and not the timeless result of natural unconstrained evolution. To omit this evidence would negate the possibility of peaceful change and evolution. Strictly no human achievement would have ever been possible throughout history, without aiming toward what seems impossible.

In any negotiations (let alone with one’s oppressors) raising up the ceiling of demands is a prerequisite to achieve the nearest possible level of your objectives, hopes and expectations.

Palestinians do not demand anything else than the implementation of their inalienable, historical and human rights. Palestinians have not fallen to discouragement, not lowered their honest expectations, and it is our duty to continue to plant hope, to nurture imagination and to foster optimism.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge” according to Albert Einstein; if that is true in the field of “hard” sciences like mathematics and physics, as I believe it is, it is even more true in the field of humanity and social sciences.

Through imagination, we leap beyond the boundaries of the known, the permitted and the understood to embrace the entire universe and further afar, where questions bounce back and forth and answers run forever.

People who managed to open their eyes to the truth about what happened to Palestine are generally astounded by the steadfastness and persistence of Palestinians;

How come they never give up!

What is it that keeps them going!

Why are they able to survive against all odds!

How are they able to stand up to such oppression with such little means!

How can they endure such losses with faces still smiling!

Where do they get their strength from!

The answer to all these questions lies in one word; Free-spirit

A spirit that has its worldly roots intertwined with the soil of its land while its branches extend to heaven

A spirit aware of its potential and weaknesses; is only answerable to its creator

A spirit that thrives and blossoms through the wisdom of its ancestors and prophets

A spirit that cherishes its two wings of freedom: Faith and Hope

If small numbers, lack of means, limited abilities, and restricted resources were to be considered as limits, instead of mere obstacles, no prophet or visionary would’ve left a mark in our human history.

To confine ourselves only to “what we can do here and now”, nullifies any forward strategy, and brings upon a future similar to the unacceptable present occupation and oppression, though it might be dressed differently. This is not an option.

If Palestinians were to comply and abide by the rules of the game as defined by the colonial “super-powers” the sheer word “Palestine” would have disappeared by now. There would be no mention of us anywhere, and yet we achieved already so much. We have more than ever the strength to resist, to dream and to force our way to expose and defeat the criminal Zionist project. If you ponder as to what has kept the Palestinian’s plight for Justice and Liberation alive, the answer is our inflexible determination.

May be in that sense Palestinians ought to become an example, an inspiration for a global movement of Resistance against the New World Order.

The human spirit is magnificent when allowed to fly, and the extent of achievements can be astounding when we set our imagination free.

From this perspective I view the world, as a Palestinian, a Muslim, and a human being, and it is from this starting point that my own thoughts and words emerge.

When I write, I never do so as politician, never as a leader, never as a negotiator, never as chairwoman, and certainly never ever as an army general.

When I write, I do so as a mother whose main concern is to take part in preparing the grounds for a better future for her children, grand children and other children of the world, a world where justice is the foundation, peace is the cement and compassion the warmth that adds comfort to this sustainable building.

I write as a child, who believes she can find an answer for every question, imagine a story behind every picture, hear music in the passing of breeze, see wonders in the most ordinary, a child who sees miracles in every common incident.

I write as a visionary whose worldly limitations does not hinder her from looking forward and rejoicing in what she sees way beyond the horizon, and if possible bring that horizon nearer.

I write as a poet in the hope that the melodies of my songs would help to keep going those who march for justice, freedom and humanity.

I write as an artist who paints images not of a world that she sees but rather of a world that she loves, yearns for and endeavours to see.

I write as a sky-gazer, who can still see stars despite the light-pollution.

I write as an idealist flying toward an idyllic world.

I write as a dreamer, who will never stop dreaming, until my dreams become reality.

About dreams

From the womb of agony

Dreams are born

Sweet and pure

We nourish and groom

And watch them grow

After living in us

For long enough

They come alive

And before we know it

We start living in them


Dreams and realities

“There is only a fine line

That divides dreams and reality”

They say

In my world

There is no line

My dreams and my reality

Are one and the same

Smoothly… Blending in

As colours unite

New hues are born

From blue and yellow

Gentle green emerges

As red embraces blue

Vivid violet comes to life

My universe is a rainbow

Of many… many colours

No lines

No divisions

My dreams and my reality merge

As if smudged

By an artist brush

I… like a feather

Drift in between

Nahida the Exiled Palestinian

I am a Jerusalem-born Palestinian refugee living in exile for over 42 years. I was forced to leave my homeland, Palestine at the age of seven during the six-day war. I am a mathematician by profession. I started writing about three years ago when my friends insisted I should write about my memories, experiences, and feelings as a Palestinian. I did… but it all came out -for some strange reason- sounding -as I am told- like poetry! So I self published two books (I Believe in Miracles, and Palestine, The True Story. Write to me at: nahidaexiledpalestinian@gmail.com

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