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South Korean Union Leaders Hold Press Conference on Unwarranted Arrest and Entry Denial

Video thumbnail for 韓国民主労総 – 不当逮捕と入国拒否に関する記者会見

Leaders of the South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and others held an emergency press conference about what they see as the grave violation of human rights of those members of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the Koran Peasants League and other social organizations who came to Japan to participate the counter-G8 actions, by the Japanese Immigration Control Officials as they suspend the Koreans for long-hours of questioning, denied their entry and unwarrantedly arrested some of them.

Produced by flamingo

* 6 min 15 sec
* 12.83 MB

“Challenge the G8 Peace Walk” Off-site Version: Let Me Run My Cement-Mixer Truck

Video thumbnail for チャレンジ・ザ・G8 市民ピースウォーク(場外編) – 生コンカーで走らせろ!

People from all over the world rallied around the “Challenge the G8 Peace Walk” held on July 5, 2008. Each one made a statement in their own fashion. However, members of the Kansai Resion Concrete Mixer Branch of the Solidarity Union of Japan, Construction and Transport Workers, who came all the way down from Osaka to participate the rally in their concrete-mixer trucks, were turned away by the police. We hear the voice of Mr. Nishiyama, a concrete-mixer truck driver who could not participate the rally, about his feeling of chagrin from outside the spot.

*Text & film by flamingo

* 3 min 30 sec
* 13.78 MB

Interview with Fainai Castlo, a panelist for the International Symposium on Military/Base and Women

International Symposium on Military/Base and Women was held on July 3 at the Hokkaido Christian Center. Lively debate was realized including keynote reports with three panelists from Japan and abroad. We talked with Fainai Castlo, a panelist, before the session. An indigenous activist from her native Guam, Ms. Castlo has been globally active for indigenous rights. We asked her what she would like to especially make an appeal in Hokkaido.

*Produced by Munenori YAMAKAWA,
Edited by Shinobu KOGA,
English caption by Hideko OTAKE

* 1 attachment
* 8 min 47 sec

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