Tell World: ‘Bush Doesn’t Speak For Me!’

Art: Move against G8

Your president is embarrassing you and the red, white and blue in front of the entire planet.

In preparation for next week’s G8 summit in Germany, conservative German Chancellor Angela Merkel proposed a responsible declaration regarding global warming for the participating nations. The declaration’s simple goal: to prevent an increase in global temperature of more than 2 degrees Celsius.

All participants agreed – except President George W. Bush.

“The treatment of climate change runs counter to our overall position and crosses multiple ‘red lines’ in terms of what we simply cannot agree to… We have tried to ‘tread lightly’ but there is only so far we can go given our fundamental opposition to the German position.”

— White House document; 5/14/2007

In fact, Bush sullied our names further today – only days before the G8 summit – by unilaterally extending his own proposal. In it he calls for nations to set global emission goals after discussions that would not begin until later this fall – emission goals, by the way, that would go into effect after he leaves office and be non-binding in any case.

Friends of the Earth is collecting signatures and statements from Americans, apologizing to nations participating in the G8 meetings for Bush’s behavior. We will send the signatures and statements directly to the participating nations’ G8 coordinating teams before next week’s meeting – and hand deliver them on Monday to the German embassy.

Please help us show other nations that Bush does not represent us!

A space is provided for you to add your own comments.

– Friends of the Earth

To sign the statement to the other nations, and send your own comments, go here:

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